
GCSE Success at St Ignatius College

25 August 2018

CONGRATULATIONS to students at St Ignatius College on achieving superb GCSE results this summer when nearly all qualifications were reformed and reported on the new scale 1-9. We are delighted with students’ achievements:

  • 73% achieved grade 4 and above in both English and Maths
  • 50% achieved grade 5 and above in both English and Maths


  • 81% achieved grade 4- 9
  • 68% achieved grade 5- 9


  • 77% achieved grade 4- 9
  • 54% achieved grade 5- 9

We are especially pleased with the number of higher grades across a range of subjects.

Students achieved grades 7-9 as follows: Physics (57%), Biology (37%), Chemistry (37%), Music (30%), PE (27%), Maths (24%).

We are very proud of each individual child and their own personal achievements. Today was a day to celebrate the hard work and commitment of students and staff. There were some superb individual performances with one student achieving 6 grade 9, and other students achieving all grade 7 - 9.

We are exceptionally proud of the support and pastoral care that students receive and of our partnership with parents. The Headteacher Mary O’Keeffe, said “I am delighted that so many individual pupils have achieved outstanding personal performance. I congratulate them and I thank all the staff who have worked tirelessly to make this possible. Above all, I thank our parents for their continued support of their sons, our pupils. It is only in working in partnership that we achieve such success.”

Latest Tweets

@st_ignatius Mar - 13
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@st_ignatius Mar - 12
Congratulations to our Year 8 and 9 students who competed in the UKMT Junior Team Maths Challenge at the City of London School. They did very well coming a respectable 15th place.#AMDG
@st_ignatius Mar - 12
Music to our ears. You'll be pleased to hear that The Spring Concert will be on Tuesday 25 March this year. Put the date in your diary and watch this space for information about booking tickets...#AMDG
@st_ignatius Mar - 11
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@st_ignatius Mar - 11
St Ignatius is a fantastic place to work and there are currently 8 opportunities to join our incredible community. Staff here are supportive and welcoming and students are courteous, respectful and keen to learn and succeed. Find out more on our website:
@st_ignatius Mar - 10
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@st_ignatius Mar - 7
What a week! An presentation from the . Paul May, a formal student here, shared his experience in the Risk and Insurance industry. And finding the perfect job based on your favourite subjects.#ReadyToSetTheWorldAlight
@st_ignatius Mar - 7
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@st_ignatius Mar - 5
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@st_ignatius Mar - 5
Thank you to Vlad from the for his presentation on different careers within the justice system. It was very interesting and gives our students something to consider when taking their first steps towards a career path.#AMDG
@st_ignatius Mar - 5
continues Day 3 included a presentation from The University of Law. Our own Chaplain gave a vocational talk about the career path that lead him here. And today's career event was mock interviews and CV writing.#ReadyToSetTheWorldAlight
@st_ignatius Mar - 4
We currently have vacancies for a SENCO, Economics Teacher, Head of Business and Economics and Subject Lead for Computer Science. These are great opportunities to join a welcoming, supportive school with great facilities. See our website for more info: