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Pupils at St Ignatius College are expected to display high standards of appearance at all times and should wear their uniform with pride.

Items are specified here: School Uniform St Ignatius College

Uniform/PE Kit Visual Guide


Smiths Schoolwear, 155 Lancaster Road, EN2 0JN (020 8363 2424) (school uniform)

Please click here for price list.

Smiths Pre-Loved Uniform

Smiths have introduced a 2nd hand pre-loved uniform scheme.  Parents can return any items of old uniform they have (they must be in a wearable condition with no holes/stains) to the store. Parents will then receive a small discount/credit for this. All of the pre-loved uniform that is available can be purchased on their website at a fraction of the normal uniform price:

Lyons School Shop, 242 Hertford Road, EN3 5BL (020 8804 3627) (school uniform). 

Please click here for price list.


Our PE Kit can be purchased at:

Lyons School Shop   -  242 Hertford Road, EN3 5B, 242 Hertford Road, Enfield, EN3 5BL. Tel: 020 8804 3627

Smiths Schoolwear, 155 Lancaster Road, EN2 0JN (020 8363 2424)



For swimming, students will need to wear navy or black swimming shorts/trunks (must be lycra/skin tight material and not bermuda shorts), Goggles and Swim Hats are optional (swim hats are compulsory for longer hair).

Please note that PE, swimming and games kits should not be left in classrooms or bags overnight. Kits should also not be loaned to other pupils.

Please ensure that ALL articles of clothing are clearly marked with the owner’s name.
