Student Absence

At St Ignatius College we aim to create an inclusive, nurturing and welcoming ethos in which pupils are stimulated and grow in self-esteem and to experience success. In supporting students in achieving optimum attendance at school, students are more likely to reach their potential and be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve economic success.


If your child is absent, please inform the school by telephone or email on the first day of absence before 9.00am, and every day after. Clearly state your child’s name, form, reason for absence and likely return date. 

Year 7-11: Please contact Student Services on 01992 717835 ext 249 or email

Year 12-13: Please contact Mrs A Agbalajobi on 01992 703363.

On his or her return to school, please send a letter or note in with your child who will hand this to the form tutor.

We respectfully request that routine medical appointments are made out of school hours so as not to impact on your child’s education.  Where it is unavoidable it is beneficial to make an appointment after your child has registered and that covers part of break or lunchtime as this has less impact on both their learning and personal attendance record. Please discuss unavoidable absences well in advance of the event. Any holiday/leave of absence requests should be put to the Headteacher in writing. However, it should be noted that family holidays during term time will not be authorised.


The school operates a first day response to absence – we will text/telephone you if we have not heard from you. This is because we believe that the safety of your child is paramount and it is the school’s responsibility to work in partnership with parents/carers to ensure your child’s safety. Please ensure you inform the school if your contact details change.


Pupils on roll are registered accurately and efficiently. Registers will be taken punctually at 8.40am and throughout the day for each lesson.

Any pupil arriving late to school will be signed in at Student Services/Main Reception. Pupils who arrive after 8.30am will register as late unless a legitimate reason has been provided. If a legitimate reason cannot be provided, a one hour detention will be set for the same day. Any pupil who fails to register will be marked as an unauthorised absentee and will also receive a detention. 

If your child is required to attend a medical appointment during the school day, please send a letter or note with your child who will hand this to Student Services.