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Higher Education
The majority of students in Year 13 at St Ignatius College progress into Higher Education. In 2022 over 75% of Year 13 students achieved their first choice University place. The majority these students were successful in securing their places at Russel Group Universities. Other students accepted places at traditional academic institutions such as Aston, Loughborough, Kent, Essex, Sussex and Brunel. Students go on to study a variety of courses, including Mathematics, Medicine, Economics, Law and Physics. We are very proud of our students as they, most importantly, choose the right courses for them at the right university.
This year the majority of our Year 13 students are again applying for university. Five of our students applied to Oxford or Cambridge Universities, three of whom had interviews and two of those recieved offers. A record number of our cohort has applied for Medicine this year: seven students.
We have a very thorough Higher Education process for students. This begins in Year 12. Students have assemblies with a Higher Education focus and also complete work during tutorial time related to universities. We encourage students to complete MOOCs, to attend lectures at London universities and also to further their subject knowledge through wider reading. These help students gain the skills and experiences in order to prepare high quality personal statements. We have guest speakers from universities who talk to our students about applying to universities. In the summer of year 12 we have a week dedicated to Higher Education. This will include guest speakers and inviting back ex-students to talk to our students about their own experiences. All students will visit a university during the week. Students are actively encouraged to attend open days to ensure they see the places where they may potentially study.
At the end of Year 12 students will begin preparing their personal statement and we will finalise references and predicted grades. Students can then complete their form ready to send by October half term in Year 13.
Each year we have a number of students who will apply to Oxford or Cambridge Universities. These are the 2 most prestigious universities in the country and we are very proud that are students aspire to go to such institutions. This year five of our students have applied for these prestigious universities and so far two have recieved offers. Students who wish to apply for these universities are identified during Year 12 and will be offered opportunities to ensure they are prepared for the rigorous admissions process. This will include attending workshops, having guest speakers and visiting both universities. This academic year we are hosting an Oxbridge workshop and look forward to welcoming schools from around the borough to this event. Especially promising students participate in the Brilliant Club, in which they are taught by PhD candidates and produce an undergraduate-level dissertation – an invaluable insight into academic life.
Preparing your personal statement
Presentation on University Finance
Parent Guide to UCAS 2024
Which Parents Guide to Uni