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School Meals
The canteen operates a 3 week rotated lunch menu. Some of these items will also be available from our outdoor pods.
Please click on the link below to see the current menu:
St Ignatius College uses a cashless system, facilitated by ParentPay. Students use their Oyster/Zip/lunch cards and staff use their Id cards to purchase food at break and lunchtime. The tills at the College do not accept cash.
For more information on ParentPay please click here
The College operates a catering facility at the following times in the canteen:
Daily arrangements
07.30 - 08.25am Breakfast Service (dining hall)
09.55 - 10.15am Break Service - Yrs 7, 8, and 10 ('Pod' and dining hall)
11.00 - 11.20am Break Service - Yrs 9, 11 and Sixth Form ('Pod' and dining hall)
12.25 - 01.05pm Lunch Service - Yrs 7, 8, and 10 ('Pod' and dining hall)
01.30 - 02.05pm Lunch Service - Yrs 9, 11 and Sixth Form ('Pod' and dining hall).
Sixth Form have the exclusive use of their own 'Pod'