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Religious Education
Religious Education fires pupils’ curiosity to ask the ultimate questions regarding the meaning of life: What is our purpose? What is truth? What does it mean to be a Christian; a Muslim; an Atheist? Pupils will have opportunities to develop their intellectual competence in understanding their own faith and that of others. They will develop their conscience spiritually, morally, socially and culturally, so they become men and women for others who are compassionate, empathetic to others and sensitive to the world around us. We want pupils to be religiously literate, to be able to critically analyse sources and to be able to articulate their opinions and justify their points of view.
KS4: Students follow the Eduqas syllabus (Route B Catholic Christianity and Judaism)
KS5: Students at A Level follow the Edexcel syllabus
'Creativity takes courage.' - Henri Matisse
The aim of the Art department is to develop in our students an adventurous and enquiring mind, where students are encouraged to develop their competence in a range of skills and knowledges which allow them to express (and justify their expression of) ideas, beliefs, passions and conclusions. They develop an understanding of the diverse heritage of art practice from diverse cultures, examining historical and contemporary examples to facilitate the production of personal responses embracing a range of ideas, including the power of art to affect both their conscience, and how they see the world. They experiment with a range of media and materials including printmaking, photography, collage, three-dimensional studies, model making, painting and drawing, and installation in order to help them develop confidence and understanding of their own work and that of others. Self-criticism and peer-engagement are techniques traditionally used to develop self-reflection in the training of artists. We believe this process of critique demands compassion for others as well as building resilience and self-knowledge as pupils learn discipline-specific language in which to discuss approaches to concepts which are often at once highly personal and socially engaged.
KS4: Students in KS4 follow the Edexcel syllabus.
Computer Science
'Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, or you want to pursue a career in the 21st century, basic computer programming is an essential skill to learn.' - Stephen Hawking
The aim of the Computing Department is to equip pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. The core of computing is computer science, in which the pupils’ competence is developed in the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. Computing also ensures that pupils’ conscience is developed through becoming digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology, and to exercise their knowledge and understanding with compassion, being aware of the power of social media to influence those around them for better or worse, and to be active, ethical participants in the digital world.
KS4: Students in KS4 follow the AQA syllabus for GCSE, or the OCR National Syllabus in ICT (Level 2).
KS5: Students in KS5 follow the AQA syllabus at A Level
Design and Technology
Through studying Design and Technology, students are encouraged to develop the skills to meet their needs and the needs of others in an ever changing and unpredictable world. They will develop their competence in skills relating to innovation, creativity and problem-solving, learning to critically assess, and evaluate the ever-advancing technological world. We want our students to understand the impact of design on the world around them, developing their conscience of ethical and sustainability issues within the design and engineering industry. Students are encouraged to develop their understanding of and compassion towards those who interact with products and services. They will experiment with a range of tools, processes, and materials to develop confidence in their skills and understanding. Students will experience opportunities to work independently and collaboratively to develop their innovative problem solving. .
The department has one workshop, one computer room for CAD work, access to two 3D Printers, a Laser Cutter, and a CNC cutter for CAM machinery. .
Business and Economics
Our intention in Business Studies is to support students in developing competence. To understand the nature of the workplace and be prepared for the future careers that await them. Students will appreciate how businesses impact on our daily lives and develop an appreciation of how they operate.
We will nurture students of conscience by helping them to understand that businesses are a key part of the world we live in from small local firms to the global corporations. Students will grow to appreciate how businesses work and how they make a difference to our world. Students will be able to discuss the ethical nature of business and how you can work in businesses yet remain a person of conscience.
Through their studies students will appreciate that the world and the world of business is constantly evolving and that businesses can be compassionate in their operations. Students will enter the workplace with a sense of compassion for people and the impact of their work and the work of businesses in general.
Our intention in Economics is to support students in developing competence. To understand the nature of the economy and be prepared for the real world with an understanding of important concepts such as inflation, unemployment and the nature of demand and supply.. Students will appreciate how the economy impacts on our daily lives and equally how we affect the economy.
We will nurture students of conscience by helping them to understand the UK and global economy and develop an appreciation of why economic decisions are made and the impact they have on firms, people and the world. Students will be develop ethical consciences in their discussions in Economics.
Through their studies students will appreciate that the world and the world is constantly evolving and that government can be compassionate in their economic decisions and management. Students will have a sense of compassion for people and the impact of economies on people and firms. In particular students will discuss concepts of poverty, unemployment and inequalities and consider solutions to society’s key problems.
KS4: Business students in Years 10 and 11 follow the Edexcel syllabus.
KS5: BTEC Level 3 National Diploma in Business follow the Pearson syllabus.
KS5: Economics A students follow the Edexcel syllabus.
Writing and reading decrease our sense of isolation. They deepen and widen and expand our sense of life: they feed the soul.' - Anne Lamott
Our primary intention in English is to assist students in developing competence: an assured style and sense of purpose in their written work. Students should be able to respond to a variety of writing opportunities in clear and precise prose which exhibits an individual voice and focus. The second goal is to foster men of conscience by exposing students to a body of canonical literature and the various ethical issues explored therein. Through their studies students will experience literature of lasting human value enabling them to conclude that humanity is of inestimable worth, that the world is constantly evolving and that we are called in all instances to be merciful, compassionate and just.
To support the curriculum, we organise trips and enrichment activities. In previous years, KS3 pupils attended Shakespeare workshops and performances, whilst KS5 pupils visited the Richmond Theatre to see ‘Oh, what a lovely war!’.
KS4: Students in Years 10 and 11 follow the AQA syllabus for English Language and English Literature
Students in Year 12 at A Level follow the Eduqas syllabus
Students in Year 13 at A Level follow the AQA syllabus (Love through the ages/Text in Shared Context)
Geography enables pupils to develop a sense of deep curiosity about the world’s natural and human environments. Our young people will inherit a world that is rapidly changing and our curriculum will enable pupils to grow in competence and make reasoned judgements about the causes and impacts of change in the natural and human world. We will provide pupils with a broad geographical curriculum which reflects the complexity and diversity of the earth’s systems, both natural and human. Our balanced geographical curriculum will allow pupils to develop a range of skills, knowledge and understanding. The thematic links which run through KS3, for example, will also support the principles or cura personalis and laudato si. Geography supports our pupils in becoming young men of conscience as they learn to critically evaluate the best courses of action available to us to manage our environment in a more sustainable way. Our pupils will develop a deeper knowledge of the United Kingdom and the wider world and a more cosmopolitan and internationalist outlook. They will go out into the world as young men of compassion, who understand key geographical processes and the impact human activity is having on the natural world. They will have the confidence and knowledge to speak out against environmental damage and promote a more sustainable way of life.
The Key Stage 3 Geography curriculum covers a broad range of physical and human geography topics, as set out in the National Curriculum syllabus. Each thematic unit is independently taught and assessed but there are threshold concepts, big ideas that help students develop a deeper understanding of geography, that run through the scheme of work. These are Place, Scale, Environment, Interconnection, Sustainability and Change. Students will explore these threshold concepts through Geographical enquiry with an enquiry question or task in each unit. The aim of these is to develop student’s independence and provide opportunities to practice geographical skills.
KS5: Students at A Level follow the AQA A Level Specification
Year 1 Course outline Water and Carbon Cycles, Glacial systems, landscapes, Changing places, Residential field trip. (Last 2 years to the Lake District).
Year 2 Course outline: Hazards, Geography fieldwork investigation (NEA) Contemporary Urban Environments Global systems and global governance.
'The more you know about the past, the better you are prepared for the future.' - Theodore Roosevelt
The aim of the History Department is to enable students to construct an understanding of the historical world in which they live and critically engage with it. We aim to inspire a lifelong love of history and want to develop passionate historians and independent learners who seek further knowledge, value hard work and education and who have the competence in asking questions and understanding the impact and relevance of the past on the world and society today. As Ignatian students we aim to help them to develop their conscience - their moral compass and understanding of their own choices, as well as enhancing their compassion towards others as responsible members of a community and society.
KS5: Students at A Level follow the Edexcel syllabus - We follow Route F- Paper 1, Option 1F: In search of the American Dream: the USA, c1917– 96 Paper 2, Option 2F.2: South Africa, 1948–94: from apartheid state to ‘rainbow nation’ Paper 3, Option 35.2: The British experience of warfare, c1790–1918
Mathematics is the world's best game and we here at St Ignatius will ensure that your child has the best chance of winning.
Mathematics is an inter-connected and creative language that has developed over the course of human history. It provides solutions to some of the most fundamental problems in the world. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering. It is necessary for financial, verbal and digital literacy. It opens doors to further education and employment.
We aim to enable students to interact with the world around them by understanding value, and the conventions of Mathematics. Developing competence in the fundamental building blocks, numeracy, space, shape and value. These fundamentals enable people to solve problems and face challenges. We hope to create an environment of compassion, where being wrong in the present doesn’t mean you will be wrong in the future. Where students have the resilience to learn from mistakes and overcome problems. An environment where excellence in Mathematics is celebrated. Where students have the conscience to allow each other to develop at their own pace in a safe space. An environment in which every contribution is valued.
Students arrive at St Ignatius with an intrinsic sense of curiosity that we hope to ignite into an appreciation of the power and beauty of Mathematics. Go forth and set the world alight.
GCSE Students will be examined using the Pearson Edexcel Specification. For more information visit https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/edexcel-gcses/mathematics-2015.html
A- Level Maths Students will be examined using the Pearson Edexcel Specification. For more information visit https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/edexcel-a-levels/mathematics-2017.html
A-Level Further Maths Students will be examined using the Pearson Edexcel Specification. For more information visit https://qualifications.pearson.com/content/dam/pdf/A%20Level/Mathematics/2017/specification-and-sample-assesment/a-level-l3-further-mathematics-specification.pdf
'One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.' - Frank Smith
The MFL Department aims to instil a love of languages to all students, regardless of their ability. Our aim is to secure a coherent and consistent progression of learning from students’ differing starting points at the beginning of KS3 through to KS4 and KS5. All language students will leave their MFL education with a learning competence in French, Spanish or Mandarin for conversational and informative purposes. In addition to this, we ensure that students are immersed in the culture of the target language countries with the offer of trips and enrichment activities. We firmly believe that learning a modern foreign language is a 21st Century invaluable skill, both for the world of work and for the education of well-rounded and compassionate individuals. Learning a modern foreign language is a key cornerstone to a globalised world, to tolerance amongst cultures and it is also an essential ingredient to an open, well developed conscience.
KS4: Students in Years 10 and 11 follow the Edexcel syllabus for French, Spanish
'Where words fail, music speaks' - Hans Christian Anderson
Music is a culturally-situated practice that embodies what it means to be human. Through engaging and inspiring pupils to develop a love of music they will develop their competence musically, becoming people of conscience by increasing their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As pupils progress, they will develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose and listen with discrimination, showing compassion in giving constructive feedback to and working with their peers.
KS4: Students in Years 10 and 11 follow the Eduqas syllabus.
Instrumental lessons are offered on a large variety of instruments. Many of those learning an instrument also take part in extra-curricular music activities at the school. All instrumental lessons are run by the Enfield Music Service. If you wish to apply for instrumental lessons, please visit the Enfield Music Service website and complete the online application:
Enfield Music Service
Springfield Rd
Arnos Grove
N11 1SP
Telephone: 020 8807 8881
St Ignatius College has a thriving extra-curricular programme which all students are encouraged to get involved in. Ensembles include the College Choir, College Orchestra, Rythm & Jazz, Guitar Ensemble, Drumming and Keyboard Club. Regular trips both in the UK and Overseas are organised for pupils to gain valuable experience in performing and listening to a broad range of music in different settings.
The timetable of activities for Music can be viewed here.
Physical Education
The Physical Education department challenges pupils to acquire a variety of core physical and intellectual skills to promote competence across a broad range of activities. Our aim is to embed an enduring love of physical activity and to provide a foundation for a healthy, productive and fulfilling life. Pupils will understand the importance of fair play, sportsmanship, and resilience displaying conscience in their commitment to each other. We are a department who encourage self-reflection and recognise the importance of positive sporting values and engagement with the wider community. Students are enjoined to show compassion, foster positive relationships and promote strong moral values in a contemporary sporting environment.
KS4 Curriculum (Sports Science)
KS4: Students in Years 10 and 11 follow the AQA syllabus
KS5: Students follow the AQA syllabus at A Level.
Psychology at St Ignatius College will instil deep knowledge of the research process to develop academic mastery through handling different types of data, conducting research, comparing and contrasting evidence and interpreting findings through the use of divergent psychological lenses. Ensuring students become have competence in analytical thinking, problem solving and critical reasoning. Furthermore, students will develop an awareness of issues surrounding human condition across an array of topics highlighting the diversity of human experience. Our student's conscience is developed through the ethical consideration that underpins all psychological research, approaches and treatments. Through investigations, Psychology will raise awareness of the moral scope that research findings have on our world. All students will be guided into becoming men and women for others by instilling compassion towards those whose behaviour and experience may deviate from the social norm, offering their service to the wider world.
You will learn about conformity, social norms, how the mind remembers and forgets and how children form attachments. You will develop your analytical thinking, problem solving and critical reasoning skills. You will learn how to plan and conduct scientific investigations and how to analyse and interpret data.
The topics studied in year 1 and at the start of year 2 are: Social influence, Memory, Attachment, Approaches in psychology, Biopsychology, Psychopathology, Research methods
In year 2 you will build on the topics studied in year 1 and study the following additional topics:
Issues and debates in Psychology: learn about the fascinating tendencies of human behaviour, with options looking into gender differences and the criminal mind.
Relationships, Gender or Cognition and development (Option 1)
Schizophrenia, Eating behaviour or Stress (Option 2)
Aggression, Forensic psychology or Addiction (Option 3)
'The science of today is the technology of tomorrow.'- Edward Teller
Science at St Ignatius college intends to provide students with the tools to appreciate and understand the wonder and awe of all creation. We do this by creating a firm foundation based on the ten big ideas of our universe. Each year we will build and expand upon these ideas allowing them to grow in competence. We focus on ensuring all students have the experience of utilising the scientific method continuously. With this they will leave us able to analyse their world, build upon existing ideas and in turn form new ideas regarding its working. They will develop their conscience in their consideration of how scientific knowledge is underpinned by an ethical dimension, and will show compassion to others when considering how we should utilise their scientific knowledge to further our role as stewards of our planet.
KS4 Triple Science Curriculum: Biology Chemistry Physics
Specification links:
AQA Biology AQA Chemistry AQA Physics
KS5 Curriculum:
Sociology is the scientific study of human life, social groups, whole societies and the human world as such. Its subject-matter is our own behaviour as social beings, which makes it a dazzling and compelling enterprise. Students will develop competence in a number of skills, including the use of evidence to support arguments, how to investigate facts, and critical thinking. Sociology teaches that behaviours that are regarded as natural, inevitable, good or true may not always be so, and that the structures in society that are taken for granted are in fact strongly influenced by past and present social processes. As they learn to critically evaluate these structures, they will do so in a spirit of conscience. Sociology will develop students’ compassion, as they learn to take a much broader view of their own lives in order to explain why people act as they do. Ever wondered how we developed into the society we are today?
How the way you see yourself determines the way people identify you? Whether men or women are more likely to commit a crime?
A-level Sociology will help you to make sense of the society we live in and understand the cultural and identity issues which affect us all.
You will learn a number of skills including the use of evidence to support your arguments, how to investigate facts, and critical thinking. It is relevant to the society you live in so you are bound to enjoy learning about topics that are relevant to everyday life; plus it opens the door to a fantastic range of interesting careers
Sociology is the scientific study of human life, social groups, whole societies and the human world as such. Its subject-matter is our own behaviour as social beings, which makes it a dazzling and compelling enterprise.
Sociology teaches us to take a much broader view of our own lives in order to explain why we act as we do. It teaches us that what we regard as natural, inevitable, good or true may not be so, and that things we take for granted are strongly influenced by the past and social processes.
To be a good sociologist you need to acquire more than just knowledge. You need to develop your ‘sociological imagination’ which means thinking of yourself away from the familiar routines of our daily lives in order to look at them from a new and often different perspective. Learning to become a sociologist will never be dull or tedious. Sociology has major practical implications for people’s lives; this alone will provide you with self-enlightment.
KS4: Students follow the AQA syllabus
KS5: Students follow the AQA syllabus