Exam Results

A Level Results 2024

We are delighted to once again announce great outcomes this year for our Year 13 A Level and Vocational course students. Our students have achieved so well and we are very proud of them. Many congratulations to students whose hard work, commitment and resilience has paid off, a huge thank you to staff whose high quality teaching and support have enabled these outcomes, and to parents and carers who have walked alongside our young people.

These excellent results mean that doors have been opened for our students. These results mean our students can move onto their chosen pathway and continue to have bright futures ahead.  It is always competitive to get into university. The vast majority of our students achieved their university places. Some students have also secured their degree apprenticeships.

There were some exceptional results in specific subject areas as follows:  


A*-B grades:

Further Maths 89% 

Maths 67% 


A*-C grades:

English Lit 94% 

Economics 90% 

History 80%


Once again it is a successful day for St Ignatius College and cause for celebration for our students. We wish all our young people every happiness as they embark upon wonderful futures and go forth to set the world alight.

GCSE Results 2024

Another great year of GCSE results for St Ignatius College. Our students are celebrating superb results. A huge congratulations to all of our year 11 students.

Our students achieved an Attainment 8 score of 58


83% of students achieved 5 x Grades 9-4 (including English & Maths)

83% of students achieved a grade 4 and above in both English and Maths

68% of students achieved a grade 5 and above in both English and Maths

30% of students achieved a grade 7 and above in English and Maths


83% of students achieved grades 9-4

72% of students achieved grades 9-5 overall

38% of students achieved grades 9-7 overall



85% of students achieved grade 4- 9

63% of students achieved grade 5- 9

23% of students achieved grade 7-9



83% of students achieved grade 4- 9

72% of students achieved grade 5- 9

41% of students achieved grade 7-9


We also had some exceptional performance in particular subjects.


Top grades 7-9

76% achieved grades 7-9 in Biology

74% achieved grades 7-9 in Biology

72% achieved grades 7-9 in Chemistry

62% achieved grades 7-9 in Computer Science

53% achieved grades 7-9 in RE

50% achieved grades 7-9 in Sociology

44% achieved grades 7-9 in English

41% achieved grades 7-9 in Maths


Grade 9s

In total, our students achieved 126 grade 9s.

18 students achieved grades 7-9 in all of their subjects.


We are proud of each individual’s personal achievements. We are fortunate to have staff who go above and beyond to support our students in every way and today’s success is a testament to the high-quality teaching and care that students receive and to our partnership with parents. Well done all!

A level Results 2023

Delighted to announce great outcomes again this year. We are so proud of our students who have achieved so well. Huge congratulation to students whose hard work, commitment and resilience has paid off and a huge thank you to staff whose high quality teaching and support have enabled these outcomes, and to parents and carers who have walked alongside our young people. These excellent results mean that our students have bright futures ahead of them and can access their chosen pathways.  In a competitive year, the vast majority of our students achieved their university places and some students have already secured their degree apprenticeships eg Barclays Finance, Quantity Surveying.


There were some exceptional results in specific subject areas especially for the A*/B boundary as follows:  

A*/B grades 


Economics 64% 

Further Maths 82% 

Maths 62% 

Philosophy and Ethics 79% 

Physics 60% 


A very happy day for St Ignatius College. We wish all our young people every happiness as they embark upon wonderful futures and go into the world to make a difference.

GCSE Results 2023

Another great year. Our students are celebrating superb results. A huge congratulations to year 11 students. 


Our students achieved a Progress 8 score of +0.63.  The DfE reports this score as being ‘well above average’.  It also places us amongst the top 10% of schools nationally.



Our students achieved an Attainment 8 score of 54.4

80% of students achieved 5 x Grades 9-4 (including English & Maths)

81% of students achieved a grade 4 and above in both English and Maths  

61% of students achieved a grade 5 and above in both English and Maths  

26% of students achieved a grade 7 and above in English and Maths 


79% of students achieved grades 9-4

64% of students achieved grades 9-5 overall

32% of students achieved grades 9-7 overall



85% of students achieved grade 4- 9  

63% of students achieved grade 5- 9  

23% of students achieved grade 7-9 



83% of students achieved grade 4- 9  

65% of students achieved grade 5- 9  

40% of students achieved grade 7-9 



We also had some exceptional performance in particular subjects. 

Top grades 7-9 

90% achieved grades 7-9 in Biology 

90% achieved grades 7-9 in Chemistry 

66% achieved grades 7-9 in Computer Science 

40% achieved grades 7-9 in Maths 

84% achieved grades 7-9 in Physics 

42% achieved grades 7-9 in RE 

Grade 9s 

In total, our students achieved 81 grade 9s.  

15 students achieved grades 7-9 in all of their subjects.


We are proud of each individual’s personal achievements. We are fortunate to have staff who go above and beyond to support our students in every way and today’s success is a testament to the high-quality teaching and care that students receive and to our partnership with parents. Well done all!

A Level Results 2022

College Celebrates Excellent A level Results 2022 

Huge congratulations to our year 13 students on achieving excellent results again this summer, the first year of public examinations since 2019.   We are delighted that over 75% of our students achieved their first choice university place in what has been a highly competitive year.  

Students have shown enormous resilience in the face of the significant challenges that the pandemic has posed and have made superb progress.  This is testament to their hard work, the high quality of teaching and support from our staff, and the support of parents and carers.   

Over 50% of grades achieved were at A*-B.  Over 25% of grades achieved were A*-A grades.  

There were some exceptional results in specific subject areas especially at the A*/B boundary as follows:  

A*/B grades 

RE - Philosophy and Ethics 63% 

Biology 78% 

Chemistry 82% 

Computer Science 60% 

Further Maths 100% 

History 76% 

Maths 60% 

Physics 77% 

We wish our Year 13 students every happiness and fulfilment as they embark on the next stage of their life journey.  They will remain part of our community and will be in our thoughts and prayers as they go into to world to make their mark.  

“We are incredibly proud of the academic achievements and the wonderful results of our year 13 students but, as importantly, if not more so, we are proud of who they are.   They have developed in to fine young adults who will continue to make a positive contribution to society.   It is wonderful that our students have the academic qualifications that they need to access the universities and courses of their choice. 

I am incredibly grateful to our dedicated staff who go above and beyond day in, day out to support our students".  

This is a very happy day for St Ignatius College.  

Mary O’Keeffe


GCSE Results 2022


Once again we are celebrating superb GCSE results, despite the challenges of the last 2 years.  HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to our year 11 students who have achieved so well.   

There have been some exceptional individual and subject performances.   

• 87% grade 4 and above in RE

• 82% grade 4 and above in both English and Maths  

• 71% grade 5 and above in both English and Maths  


79% achieved grade 5-9

45% achieved grade 7-9


89% achieved grade 4- 9   

76% achieved grade 5- 9   


76% achieved grade 4- 9  

85% achieved grade 5- 9  

Top Grades 7-9   

87% achieved grades 4-9 in RE  

67% achieved grades 7-9 in Chemistry  

64% achieved grades 7-9 in Computer Science  

60% achieved grades 7-9 in Physics  

94% achieved grades 4-9 in French  

89% achieved grades 4-9 in Spanish  

Grade 9  

In total, our students achieved 91 grade 9s.  

21 students achieved grades 7-9 in all of their subjects.  

17 students achieved a grade 9 in RE;   

14 students achieved a grade 9 in Maths   

14 students achieved a grade 9 in English.   


Our overall progress 8 score was 0.52.  This is significantly higher than national figures and places us in the top 14% of schools nationally.


Our progress score in all areas was extremely strong:  RE (+0.92); English (+0.4); Maths (+0.8); Biology (+1.4); Chemistry (+1.0); Physics (+1.2).


Overall Attainment 8 (55.8) was significantly above national and in the highest 20% in 2022.


In the Ebacc students achieved an Average Points score (APS) of 4.9.


We are very proud of the achievements of all of our Year 11 students.

A Level Results 2021

College Celebrates Excellent A Level Results 2021

A huge congratulations to our Year 13 students on achieving excellent results again this summer.  We are delighted that over 80% of our students achieved their first choice university place in what has been a highly competitive year.  Well done to them all.

We are so proud of the achievements of each and every one of our students.  They have shown enormous resilience in the face of the significant challenges that the pandemic has posed both educationally and personally, but their hard work, strength of character and determination have paid off and culminated in success.  Once again, our students have made superb progress.  This is testament to their hard work, the high quality of teaching and support from our staff, and the support of parents and carers.

We wish our Year 13 students every happiness and fulfilment as they embark on the next stage of their life journey.  They will remain part of our community and will be in our thoughts and prayers as they go into to world to make their mark.

“We are incredibly proud of the academic achievements and the wonderful results of our year 13 students but, as importantly, if not more so, we are proud of who they are.  They have developed in to fine young adults who will continue to make a positive contribution to society.  It is wonderful that our students have the academic qualifications that they need to access the universities and courses of their choice.

I am incredibly grateful to our dedicated staff who go above and beyond day in, day out to support our students.

This is a very happy day for St Ignatius College."

Mary O’Keeffe Headteacher

GCSE Results 2021

College Celebrates Excellent GCSE Results 2021

CONGRATULATIONS to students and staff at St Ignatius College on achieving superb GCSE results again this summer.  Despite the uncertainly and the challenges of 2020 and 2021, we are delighted that all the hard work has paid off and are very proud of students’ achievements:  

The following students achieved grade 9 in maths: Kieron; Jude; Santiago; Kacper; Jameel; Spencer; David L; Christopher M; George P; Darren; Anthony S; Amanueal; Sean T; Deshawn

The following students achieved grade 9 in English:      Enoch; Phillip; Luca C; Richmond; David L; Francis; Tobenna; Ebin; Rudi; Rhys W 

The following students achieved grade 9 in English Literature:  
Enoch; ; Milo; David L; Tobenna; Amanueal; Rhys W

The following students achieved grade 9 in Combined Science: Peterson; Kieron; Jude; David L; Christopher M

Biology: Richmond; Kacper; George P

Chemistry:  Kacper; James

Physics:  Richmond; Kacper; George P; Anthony S               

The following students achieved grade 9 in Religious Education: Dennis; Richmond; Spencer; Rhys K; David L; Francis; Tobenna; George P; Miko; Thaddeus; Anthony S; Ebin; Tony

A huge congratulations to students with exceptional performances as follows:  

Students achieving grades 8 – 9 in all their subjects: David L; Tobenna

Students achieving grades 7 – 9 in all their subjects: Francis; George P; Amanueal; Christopher M; Sean T; Richmond; Darren; Spencer

We are very proud of each individual student and their own personal achievements.
Today we celebrate the hard work and commitment of students and staff.  
This success is testament to the high quality teaching, support and pastoral care that students receive and to our partnership with parents.

The Headteacher Mary O’Keeffe, said  “I am delighted that so many individual pupils have achieved outstanding personal performance.  These grades are so well deserved: our students have shown enormous resilience and have been self disciplined, independent and focused.  I thank all of our staff who have worked so hard to make this possible.  We also thank our parents for their continued support of their sons.  It is only by working in partnership that we achieve such success.”  

A Level Results 2019

Congratulations to our Year 13 students and their teachers on achieving superb A Level results again this summer.  Especially pleased that two of our students have secured places at Cambridge University.

We are incredibly proud of their achievements and delighted that the hard work and dedication of students and staff has culminated in such success.   These excellent results mean that our students now have greater life choices and can access the university courses and apprenticeships of their choice.  

There were some exceptional results in specific subject areas especially for the A*/B boundary as follows:

A*/B grades

Further Maths 78%

Physics 62%

Chemistry 56%

English Literature and Religious Education 55%

Maths 53%

Economics 50%

Outstanding Individual Performances

There were also some outstanding individual performances:

Jonathan Fernandes achieved A*, A*, A, A to study mathematics at Imperial College, London.

Karujan Jeyaseelan achieved A*, A*, A to study Engineering at Cambridge University.

Bobby Mugo achieved A*, A, B to study History at Cambridge University.

Jason De Souza achieved A, A, A to study Computing at King's College.

Anthony Akpoveta achieved A*, A, B and Fred Myers achieved A, A, A.

Really pleased that Bobby made the Sunday Times also.

We send our best wishes to all our Year 13 students as they embark on the next stage of their life journey.  They will remain part of our community and will be in our thoughts and prayers as they go into the world to make their mark.

“We are incredibly proud of the academic achievements and their wonderful results of our Year 13 students.  They have developed in fine young men and women who will continue to make a positive contribution to society. It is wonderful that our students have the academic qualifications that they need to access the courses and careers of their choice. I am incredibly grateful to our dedicated staff who go above and beyond day in, day out to support our students.  This is a very happy day for St Ignatius College.

Mary O’Keeffe Headteacher

A Level Performance Table for London Borough of Enfield

GCSE Performance Table for Enfield Borough