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Rewards for Living and Learning (RFL)

What is RFL?

At St Ignatius, Teachers will celebrate the achievements of their students regularly. We know that our students will always strive to do their best, and we reward students for effort, not just outcome. All students have the right to learn and fulfil their potential, and that is why we have RFL.

RFL is our rewards system that recognises the achievements of students both individually and collectively across all disciplines of the Jesuit Pupil Profile (JPP). The JPP is split into the 4 sections below, and a student can earn the below achievement points in each area:

JPP Characteristic Achievement points

G1- College Companion

G2- Men and women for others

G3- Contributing to charity

G4- Giving to the community


L1- Excellent achievement and effort in work

L2- Being a role model for others


CS1- Being an active learner

CS2- Engaging with extracurricular activities


I1- Form tutors' recognition

I2- Excellent attendance

I3- 100% attendance in a ½ term


How are these areas rewarded?

Students are rewarded for their conduct points on a termly, and annual basis. Each term in their year group achievement assembly, the top 5% of students in each area will receive the Gold Award (along with a prize!) for that area. The top 6-10% will receive their Silver Award. Those who are in the above thresholds at the end of the year will earn the lapel pin for that Award which can be worn on their school blazer.

If students manage to accumulate all 4 Gold Awards in a school year across all JPP areas, then they will be awarded with the Learning Coordinators Ignatian Award. Throughout their time at St Ignatius, students have the opportunity to win further awards should they receive all 4 Gold Awards in a year for 2, 3, or 4 years. This flow chart can be seen below, along with the potential prizes that come with each Award:

RFL Flowchart 1


How else can students be rewarded under RFL?

As well as the above, RFL helps to recognise the achievements of students regularly throughout the year. Each week, form tutors select their Ignatian of the week in each form class who is awarded with a Golden lunch queue jump ticket or a phone call home.

As well as this, there is an interclass conduct points competition that runs all year. Each term, form classes across KS3 will compete to see who has the highest conduct points as a form class. The form class in each year group with the highest conduct points will be rewarded with the Achievement Cup and a class treat at their end of term achievement assembly.

Throughout the year, subject teachers will also be calling home and sending home postcards for students who are excelling or showing outstanding effort in their subject

How do students track this?

Students will be informed weekly by their form tutors where their form class are in the achievement cup rankings and will discuss ways which they can earn more achievement points and reduce behaviour points as a form class.

Each week, form tutors will also present their Ignatian of the week to the rest of the form class.

Students can go to the RFL display board, talk to their Learning Coordinator, or go to the screen at student services to see more!

If you would like to find out more, please speak to Mr Makins.

What is the Sixth Forms RFL?

In the Sixth Form, RFL works in the exact same way, except there are different rewards and Awards which can be seen in the flowchart below:

RFL Flowchart 2