
2 Blog Posts found

22 August 2019

Students achieve fantastic GCSE Results in 2019

CONGRATULATIONS to students and staff at St Ignatius College on achieving superb GCSE results again this summer.  We are delighted that all the hard work has paid off and are very proud of our students’ achievements: We are incredibly pleased with our current headline: 72% grade 4 and above in both English and Maths 56% grade 5 and above in both English and Maths English 83% achieved grade 4- 9 66% achieved grade 5- 9 Maths 74% achieved grade 4- 9 63% achieved grade 5- 9 We are especially pleased with the number of higher grades across a range of subjects with 23% of our grades overall  at 7-9.   Students achieved grades 7-9 as follows: Maths, 29% of students achieved grades 7 – 9 English, 23% of students achieved grades 7 – 9 Physics (64%), Chemistry (61%), Biology (51%), French (27%).   The following students achieved grade 9 in maths: Darwin Clark, Mihir Hurwanth, Sanjay Karunakaran, Denzel Kesse, Leon Srikantha The following students achieved grade 9 in English: Andrei Antenor, Piotr Chilinski, Kene Chukwuma, Jaden Diaz-Ndisang, Ethan Fellows The following students achieved grade 9 in English Literature: Abin Anil, Ashley  Dougan,  Kesse Denzel Kesse, Ayman Khalil, Daniel Shaw A huge congratulations to students with exceptional performances as follows: Students achieving grades 7 – 9 in all their subjects: Antenor Andrei; Jaden Diaz-Ndisang; Ashley Dougan; Ethan Fellows; Max Getling; Sanjay Karunakaran; Sean O’Brien; Daniel Shaw; Gabriel Sigua; Leon Srikantha We are very proud of each individual child and their own personal achievements. Today we celebrate the hard work and commitment of students and staff. This success is testament to the high quality teaching, support and pastoral care that students receive and to our partnership with parents.  The Headteacher Mary O’Keeffe, said “I am delighted that so many individual pupils have achieved outstanding personal performance.  I congratulate them and I thank all the staff who have worked tirelessly to make this possible.  We thank our parents for their continued support of their sons.  It is only by working in partnership that we achieve such success.”     

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@st_ignatius Mar - 25
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@st_ignatius Mar - 25
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